Updates are being provided by the Board of County Commission Incident Management Team twice daily at 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. via media releases at sheridancounty.com.
More than 100 COVID-19 tests have been performed in Sheridan County with no new positive results.
Forty-one (41) tests have been negative and the remaining tests are still pending. Test results can take up to 3-5 days.
The Sheridan Memorial Hospital has a Dedicated Coronavirus (COVID-19) Phone Number 307-672-1004.
This line is strictly for those who are experiencing fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
Tests are being administered in a number of locations around town depending on how you are screened. The provider who orders your test will direct you to the appropriate testing location at the time of your screening.
For patients 12 and under, a separate testing location has been established. Parents can call 307-675-5555 to visit with a pediatric specialist and determine whether testing is needed.