The latest COVID-19 update is good news for Wyoming!
While there have been 644 confirmed cases throughout the state, 88% have recovered.
And, for the first time in more than two months, no new coronavirus cases were reported in Wyoming on Friday.
Still, there remains some concern as 25 new cases emerged on Sunday and there may be more new cases now that Teton and Yellowstone Parks re-opened last week.
In a related concern, gateway towns near the parks are expecting significant declines in sales tax revenue as there seeing much smaller crowds of visitors entering the parks.
The Johnson County Healthcare Center continues to test area residents and currently have nearly 300 test kits on hand.
The center announced they are vacating their Alternate Care Site at the Catholic Church Rec Hall.
At Amie Holt Care Center, they are new accepting new residents once again. A recent nursing home surveyor conducted a brief “focus survey” of AHCC’s COVID infection prevention compliance and the nursing home passed with flying colors!