Fisheries personnel from the Sheridan Region and Tensleep Hatchery stocked fish in several area ponds during the first and second week of October.
“We stock these ponds and streams every fall once the summer water temperatures cool off, mostly in smaller community fisheries,” said Paul Mavrakis, Sheridan Region Fisheries Supervisor. “Summer water temperatures above 70 degrees can be lethal to trout, so stocking in the fall allows them to survive and also provides fishing opportunities for anglers through the fall and ice fishing season.”
The stocked fish were catchable-sized rainbow trout, eight to ten inches in length. The fish were transported via truck in insulated and oxygenated water tanks from Tensleep Hatchery.
Area streams and ponds that were stocked include Kleenburn Ponds, Soldiers Sailors Ponds at the Buffalo Veterans’ Home, Mavrakis Pond, Sheridan County Fairgrounds Pond, Clear Creek in Buffalo and Big Goose Creek in Kendrick Park.
“Anglers have the opportunity to start catching these fish immediately,” said Mavrakis. “With the nice weather we are having now, it can be some of the best fishing of the year.”