To Tiffany McCormick, co-owner of the Smith Alley Brewery in Sheridan, it’s all about finding truth and logic.

Her failure to require her employees to don face masks while serving customers resulted in a confrontational visit from the Sheridan Police Department on Thursday and her resulting emotional Facebook video drew more than 800,000 viewers.

For McCormick, the requirement for face coverings was one mandate too far.

The business is following 20 of the 21 mandates from the Wyoming Department of Health, but not that one…

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The day after her meeting with the Sheridan Police Chief resulted in a packed lunch crowd and a sidewalk filled with local citizens supporting her stand as a small business owner…

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McCormick has left the decision to wear a face mask up to each employee and on Friday, some were donning the covering and some were not.

She is hopeful that legislators from all parts of the state who are meeting in special session today and tomorrow will have meaningful dialogue regarding the mandates imposed by the state’s health department.

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