Sheridan, Wyo – Motorists traveling east from Sheridan to Buffalo will encounter milling and paving operations beginning at mile marker 33 at the Meade Creek exit and end at mile marker 45 just past the Piney Creek exit.
Traffic control is expected to be in place by Thursday, April 22.
Simon Contractors will begin milling the driving, or right lane of the eastbound lane of I-90 just west of the Piney Creek exit and proceed up the hill. Once that section is complete, they will relocate to the eastbound lane between mileposts 33 and 37 near Meade Creek.
Traffic control will be in place directing traffic to the temporary travel line while milling and paving is completed. Speed limits through the active work zone will be posted at 45 MPH.
Once the mill and overlay is complete, Simon Contractors will come back and apply an epoxy overlay on the bridge decks and a wearing course on both the east and westbound lanes.
The wearing course is a three-quarter inch layer of a coarser, porous asphalt that is applied to provide added traction, wicking and extends the life of the pavement. The epoxy overlay also adds traction and moisture wicking to the bridge decks, thus reducing the chance of icing.
Simon expects to complete this project by June 30 weather allowing.
Motorists will encounter lane closures, reduced speed limits, width restrictions of 13’, flagging operations and heavy truck traffic while traveling this stretch of I-90.
Motorists are asked to please respect the posted speed limits and do their part to keep WYDOT employees and Simon Contractors safe within this work zone.