Road Closures in Northeast Wyoming
I-90 from Buffalo to Gillette has been closed due to winter conditions. Crews are working on getting it re-opened and are hoping they will be able to have it open sometime later today but that will depend on what the weather does. US 16 from Buffalo to Tensleep continues to be closed, crews continue to work on this road section as well and re-opening will depend on weather conditions.
Several other roads in Northeast Wyoming have a No Unnecessary Travel Advisory in effect. They include I-25 from Buffalo to Kaycee and I-90 from Gillette to Rozette, conditions on these two routes are Slick, Drifted Snow with Snowfall, Blowing Snow and Limited Visibility. Most roads in the Johnson County and Campbell County areas have a No Unnecessary Travel Advisory, conditions are Slick with Snowfall with areas of Blowing Snow. US 14 from Dayton to the Antelope Ski Area are under a No Unnecessary Travel Advisory and conditions are Slick with Snowfall, Blowing Snow and Limited Visibility, there is also a Falling Rock Advisory.
The definition of a No Unnecessary Travel advisory is as follows; The road is open but travel is not recommended due to hazardous driving conditions. Generally, this advisory is posted during winter months due to extremely icy conditions, when visibility is limited due to blowing snow, or when a combinations of conditions makes travel ill-advised.
Only the most urgent of situations should warrant travel in a No Unnecessary Travel advisory. Drivers who attempt such travel should be familiar with local conditions and be very experienced with winter driving.
Please keep in mind that by choosing to travel during hazardous conditions, you may be interfering with maintenance personnel and their efforts to improve highway safety.
Special Note: Oversize loads are not permitted to travel when a no unnecessary travel advisory is issued. An en route load may proceed to (or return to) the nearest parking area or town. At no time shall the load continue beyond these points unless approved by the Wyoming Highway Patrol.
For more road and travel information go to
Media for more information regarding this release contact Ronda Holwell, WYDOT District 4 Public Relations Specialist at 307 752-3022.