It is primary day in Wyoming and there are a myriad of candidates vying to be re-nominated or to successfully replace an incumbent.
But there are also a couple of ballot questions in the Johnson County primary.
One question is whether a special district should be created for the Buffalo Senior Center?
With declining state and local tax revenues, receiving a mill levee would provide for a consistent funding source for the center to seek a number of federal and state grants that fund senior services in the area.
AJ Mock is the Executive Director of the Buffalo Senior Center and explained why the special district is needed…
Continuing a solid waste district in Johnson County is the second ballot question in this year’s primary.
Voted into existence 10 years ago, the district ceases to exist next year unless the county’s voters support continuing the special distinct.
The district’s David Iverson explains what could happen if the ballot question is denied by voters…
Precinct voting places opened this morning at 7am this morning and will close at 7pm tonight.