The Johnson County School District held the first of three community forums in its effort to hire a new Superintendent.

Gregory Figenser serves as a curriculum director in Colorado and spent Monday morning touring Kaycee School and holding the first of two forums before visiting the Buffalo Schools and holding a second forum at the high school auditorium later that evening.

Figenser indicated he’s aware that cuts in educational funding are coming…

He told those in attendance and tuning in via YouTube that he has managed funding cuts most of his career…

The forums will continue next week with Keith Harris visiting Johnson County next Monday and current Superintendent and K-12 principal Charles Auzqui at Clearmont participating in a third forum on Wednesday, April 21st.

Each of the forums begin at Kaycee School in the morning and will continue in Buffalo in the afternoon, culminating in a forum held at the high school auditorium at 6pm.

The Buffalo HS forums will be live-streamed at

As reported earlier, School staff members and members of the public will have an opportunity to submit questions to the candidates prior to each of the forums.  To do so, please click on the following link…


Big Horn Mountain Radio Network will continue to provide news coverage on the forums as they happen.

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