Area “cleanup” days have been set for Johnson County and Sheridan residents.
Yesterday, the Johnson County Commissioners set the annual cleanup days for May 12th through the 15th, coinciding with the Buffalo City Council’s cleanup schedule.
Vouchers can be picked up at either the courthouse or the city building after providing proof of residency.
A separate hazardous waste cleanup day of June 1st in Johnson County will again sponsored by the Clear Creek Conservation District.
Sheridan City residents will have two more Saturdays for free disposal of residential waste and refuse, including household hazardous materials.
This Saturday and Saturday, October 23rd are the two days established, between the hours of 7:30am to 5:30pm.
There will be a charge for car batteries, tires and Freon units that have not been decommissioned by a certified technician.
All waste delivered to the landfill be secured, covered or in a closed container. Any materials that are not will be assessed the following surcharge per load $11 for cars and pick-ups, $50 for all other vehicles (including trailers).