The 2020 election cycle has begun.

Secretary of State Ed Buchanon made the announcement on Wednesday during Governor Gordon’s press briefing.

The candidate filing period began yesterday this year’s campaign has been designated “VoteSafely Wyoming”.

The filing period will end at 5pm on Friday, May 29th.

All Republican and Democratic candidates for the office of U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, Wyoming State Senator, and Wyoming State Representative must file with the Secretary of State’s Election Division in order to stand for election in the 2020 Primary Election which will take place on Tuesday, August 18th.

Candidates for county and municipal offices must file with their local office.

Buchanon said the “VoteSafely Wyoming” campaign is focusing on three primary area… absentee voting, directives to county governments, and health and safety precautions that will be implemented during the election process.

Buchanon clarified that absentee voting in Wyoming is NOT voting by mail that is being discussed in other parts of the country…

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In an effort to ensure Wyoming residents understand their options in voting in the primaries and the general election, an informational pamphlet will be mailed in the coming days.

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