The WYO Rodeo Royalty board is hosting a horsemanship clinic for potential contestants and other interested Sheridan County women, ages 10-25 years
old. The full-day event happens at Guynn Training Center located at 1112 HWY 14 in Banner, WY this Saturday, May 13 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. It features clinicians Lindsay and Mark Guynn, and 2019 Miss Rodeo Wyoming, Hannah Ostheimer, who will offer guidance on all aspects of the rodeo royalty experience. The fee is $25.00 per entrant and lunch will be provided. “We’re looking for young ladies interested in the opportunities associated with becoming a rodeo queen, and what to expect when competing at the WYO Rodeo and beyond,” said Jennifer Craft, WYO Rodeo Royalty board co-president. “This Saturday’s clinic will be geared towards essential horsemanship skills, as well the knowledge and interview portions of the WYO Rodeo
Queen evaluation process.” To secure your spot contact Jennifer Craft (307) 751-6216 or Vicki Jost at (307) 763-2201.
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