SHERIDAN, WY— Fisheries personnel from the Tillett Springs Rearing Station near Lovell stocked fish in the Fairgrounds and Mavrakis ponds on May 28.

The stocked fish were catchable-sized rainbow trout, eight to ten inches in length, transported via truck in insulated and oxygenated water tanks from the rearing station. One hundred fish were released into the Fairgrounds Pond and approximately 500 fish were stocked into Mavrakis Pond.

Mavrakis Pond was drained by the City of Sheridan on May 17 to address a buildup of nutrients, sediment and black bullheads. It refilled naturally over the following days with runoff. Additional fish will be stocked in Mavrakis Pond in coming weeks.

A scheduled stocking of Ranchester Pond on May 29 has been postponed due to flooding.

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