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For sale: 737-2420
Lacrosse overshoes, new, size 8
ISO: 2 foot of pipe size 3/8″ to 1/4″
3 pairs of jeans size 32×30 Wrangler, Levi, and Rustler. $10.00 each OBO
ISO: Grill guard for 2019 Chevy Tahoe.
ISO a good 35-gallon or bigger pressure tank for a well.
ISO: Looking for an owners manual for a 2015 Toyota Tacoma.
For sale: 674-6264
Honda Snow Blower ATF928 top of the line. New condition. Paid $2300.00, will sell for $1600.00.
For sale: 307-620-9025
Baby Cradle Rocker. Like new. $50.00
Bookcase with 3 shelves $20.00
For sale: 217-0417 or 217-1734
9 Border Collie pups, 2 red and white, 8 black and white. Out of good working parents. $400.00 each
For Sale: 307-620-9277
Simmins Morion XLXCLXX programmable hearing aid set. $500.00
Ruger American 450 Bushmaster with a vortex 4 x 12 x 40 mm scope. Excellent condition. Has a muzzle brake, 2 boxes of ammo and RCVS loading die set with 2 lbs of Accurate powder, 100 primers, a box of 250 bullets,and a Bulldog case. $1000.00
Album or portraits by James Lockhart with calendar editions dated 1978. Registered in the libraries of Congress as official artifacts. There are 25 portraits varying in size from 8×10 to 14×20. They are all in color. $1250.00
Old Rockford 17K gold pocket watch in running condition $250.00 OBO
Loading equipment for 45 Colt. Hornady 3 die set, 4 lbs A-4100 accurate pistol powder, 1450 primers, 480-250 grain cast bullets and some extra brass $300.00
Opticon digital, programmable, hearing aids with all the paperwork and the charger. Like new. Sold for over $3500.00 new, Will take $1500.00 OBO.
New in the box Smith & Wesson Model 25 double action 45 long Colt with 6 1/2″ barrel, walnut grips, fiber optic sites, and 4 boxes of ammunition. $1250.00
1/2 cannister of A-4100 powder, 1200 primers, 480 250grain 45 caliber cast bullets, 30 rounds of 200 ammunition $600.00.
52 sq ft porcelain floor tile. 13 x 20 x 1/4″ thick, medium brown with white highlights, made in the USA, Non-skid and perfect for non-skid entry. $150.00
Set of 4 Goodyear Eagle mud and snow tires, 275/55/R20, 80% tread left. $500.00
Set of 4 Michelin mileage -saver all season tires 265/65/R18 with 70% tread left. $250.00
New Taurus Judge 45 Colt double action with a 6 1/2″ barrel, 4 boxes of ammo and new Uncle Mikes holster. $650.00
3 homemade porta potties $35.00 each
New in the box world class Tasco scope 3x9x40mm with a set of Weaver rings $65.00
12-gauge #4 buckshot loads, high velocity, 5 shells per box. $5.00 per box or 6 boxes for $25.00
New box of Remington core lock 164 grain 30 ought 6 Springfield $25.00
For sale: 684-2962
18 x 30 medium size dog crate $25.00
For sale; 307-359-3555
Siver and Turquoise bracelet $50.00
Womens dresses and jeans sizes medium to large.
Men’s size 11 Merrill hiking boots worn once. Boug._ht for $150.00 will sell for $80.00.
For Sale: Call 307-620-2451
Speed Fastener power stud driver, in metal case. Model 825. Comes with
some fasteners. Excellent cond. $110.00
Craftsman 10″ radial arm saw, on stand. 2.75 HP motor. Has dust hood,
manual and tools. Excellent cond. $250.00
Roto Tiller 5hp, good shape. $50.00 OBO
Stainless BBQer, good shape, jetted for natural gas. $40.00
ISO: 307-217-2847
Electric motors
For sale: 307-763-6339
2001 Polaris RMK Snow machine
2003 Polaris Snow Machine
Both for $4000 or $2500 each
For Sale: Call 307-763-9580
8Ft Snow Plow for a Skid Steer Loader, brand new, never used
For Sale: Call 307-751-5069
6.5 PRC Vanguard Weatherby rifle, with Scope package. $950.00
For sale: 751-0200
Tame 3-year-old Hereford Bull that has been semen tested. $2200.00
For sale: 736-2263
60” of 24″ culvert with 3 bands. Comes in 3 – 20″ chunks. $1500.00
For sale: 684-7424
2Ft Tall Barn wood Snowman
White Distressed Barn Wood Stocking Holders, 34 inches long 12 inches wide holds 10 stockings.
8″ tall x 5″ wide wooden crosses $12.00
Barn wood Christmas decorations. Gnomes of various sizes, American Flag coffee table. Call or text for pictures and pricing.
12/18 Call 307-620-1560
Available for Stud, German Shepard, 5 year old male, black and red, Second German generation, AKC registered, very tame and loving.
ISO: 307-660-6045
Little Red Wagons
For sale: 307-751-6534
Single wheel cargo trailer for bicycle $200.00 OBO
For sale: 307-438-0605
3-16 ft powder river gates – used – $200.00 each.
35 – 6 1/2 ft steel posts – used – $3.00 each
For Rent: Call or Text 307-217-2424
One bedroom apartment available, no pets, no smoking lease and deposit required.
For Sale: Call 307-620-2005
Hedman long tune headers, hardly used, from 65′ Chevy truck that will fit a number of different years,
Chrome, small block Chevy oil pan with built in windage tray.
March under drive aluminum crank pulley.
Starter, alternator, radiator for a 95 Chevy pickup.
1990 IBM computer,
Onieda Eagle compound Bow, reworked new lens, new string, and arrows.
Siltronix Comanche Single Side Band Ham Radio, operates on CB channels, comes with 15 ft antenna, antenna rotator, microphones, 300 ft of coax cable, transformer so it can be used with a 12-volt battery.
Free: 620-1200
8 – -5-gallon water jugs
For sale: 804-477-5176
2017 Drywall hoist 175 lb capacity with 14 ft lift. Has been kept inside and is like new. $150.00
For sale: 307-461-3505
2005 Polaris 120 Snowmobile $2250.00
2015 CRF 50S Motorcycle with new tires.$1250.00
2007 Yamaha TTR90 $1500.00
2004 XR400R with new tires $2000.00
2021 CRF250F $4200.00
For sale: 307-751-8195
Mickey and Minnie Mouse Anniversary Porcelain Snow Babies set $200.00.
ISO: 410 shot gun shells
Storm door with a frame 34×80- Free
Field Camera still in the box. $50.00
Box of nearly new rc parts, Includes a 2019 Traxxas 27 MHZ AM 2 channel receiver, a 2018 Traxxas servo, a Globact 80 Amp esc with crawler and high speed mode, a Globact 21T 550 brushed motor, a Traxxas Titan 380 brushless motor, a Tenergy 3800mAh 7.2V battery pack, a Tenergy 3800mAh 8.4V battery pack, a Tenergy universal smart charger for 6-12V NiMH/NiMCD batteries and a LaTrax 2 Amp 5-6 cell NiMH fast car charger $50.00
Craftsman Cordless Jig Saw, comes with 2 batteries, and charger. $100.00
For sale: 621-0134
2002 Toyota Tundra 305,000 miles $6500.00
For sale: 620-2614
Winchester Model 70 Rifle with ammo $800.00
Remington 870 Wing master 12-guage
Traps and trapping supplies.
For sale: 307-620-1886
Small rifle, small and large pistol primers
Loads of different types of powder and projectiles
For sale: 307-752-5424
Blue tick walker hounds, 7 weeks old, 3 males $500.00 and 1 female $700.00
Business Opportunity Call: 303-419-0782
Ice Cream or Coffee Shop Business opportunity Near the M&M Ice Rink, Sheridan.
For Sale: Call 307-621-0835
2001 8-foot Dodge truck bed, came off a 2001, dark blue, $500 obo,
For sale: 307-751-1872
5 Gallons/20 Quarts 15 40 Mobile Diesel Synthetic oil, never opened. $120.00
Model 700 Remington 2250 with mag pole stock, 4 magazines, millet scope 6 x 18 x 50 with lighted crosshairs lime green $1200.00
3HP Evinrude Boat Motor $50.00
5000-watt Generac generator $425.00
4500-watt Champion generator $300.00
6-man rubber raft $150.00
Parts for a 1990 Capris Classis brand new $100.00
Mr. Pickup grill guard 2-wd 92-97 $250.00
Oak Medicine Cabinet, 48 inches, with light bar. $50.00
For sale: 620-0854
Baking pans, ice cube trays, older cookware, box of cookbooks, Budweiser mugs, Large wooden rocking horse, Books on cassettes and CD’s, other misc household items.
For sale: 307-752-5542
Older original Traeger Works great. $450.00.
2011 Chevy Eclipse 123,000 miles on it. $6000.00
For sale: 307-620-0483
26’ troy built snow blower 10HP $800
Wood Splitter 5 hp 8-ton capacity $500
For Sale: Call 307-620-9926
Professional grade Karaoke system. Comes with, laptop, custom cabinet with receiver, 4 cordless mics, 2 medium size speakers, 2 large speakers with stands, comes with all cords and ready to use. $1000.00 obo
Wall Tent,” Sheridan Tent and Awning”, 10 X 14 X 4, Complete with internal frame, 2 sizes of stove jacks, good condition. $800.00
Box trailer 5’x8′ with 32″ sidewalls and a ramp. $850.00
For Sale: Call 307-461-3142
“Ventura” Six String Acoustic Guitar, In good condition. $80.00.
For sale: 307-620-9025
5 drawer chests of drawer s very good condition. $60.00
For Sale: Call 307-620-2341
Full size bed with frame, box spring and mattress. $100.00
Chest of drawers. $35.00 OBO
Small cream colored chair. $25.00 OBO
ISO: 620-2636 or 620-0766
Stokermatic stove that works
Parts for Stokermatic stove
Hospital Bed
For sale: 307-299-0367
Full size mattress and box spring set $50.00
For sale: 621-0256
Set of 4 tires 265/70/R17
ISO: Set of tires 245/65/R17
For Sale: Call 307-217-1729
Misc. used kitchen cabinets, both base and wall sections, laminate counter tops with stainless steel sink.
For Sale: Call 307-307-751-6534
Echo gas powered leaf blower. $50.00 obo
Rock River AR15 with scope. $1200.00 obo
Bi Pod 8-15 inches. $50.00
Appr. 1000 177 caliber air gun pellets. $10.00 obo
For Sale: Call 307-858-0196
Full custom 300 Norma magnum. Including defiance action, proof carbon barrel, McMillian Carbon stock. $1900.
Reloading 6mm bullets multiple brands.
Dually long Bed from a 2018 ram in good shape. Make offer.
Fab 4 full rear replacement bumper off of a 2018 Ram in good shape. $900
Rims and suspension parts off a can am defender. Make an offer.
ISO: 307-751-8987
For Sale: Call 307-752-7301
PVC pipe fittings from 2″ down to 3/4″
For Sale : Call 307-684-7140
Craftsman Leaf Blower with vacuum bag, 200mph/430cm, runs good. Make an offer.
Electric Hedge Trimmer, runs good, make an offer.
For sale: 307-751-1196
16 ft gooseneck car hauler with dovetail and ramp
For sale:307- 751-6534
Harris light weight bi-pod 8 to 15″ $50.00 OBO
1000 lead 177 Cal air gun pellets $10.00
Rock River Operator model AR1270 AR15 with Yankee Hill Machine 30mm scope $1250.00 OBO
For Sale: 307-217-3040
94″ Mercury Sable with 83,000 miles on it. 1 owner vehicle. $3400.00
ISO: Handyman
For sale: 307-620-2614
300-win mag rifle, model 70 Winchester $800.00
For sale: 307-217-0125
Blue-ray disc player $50.00
Blue tooth earphones hardly used $50.00
Sound bar $75.00
For Sale: Call or Text 307-751-7015
Grain fattened Katahdin hair lamb for sale. Have some butcher dates available. $300 per head processing not included
For Sale: Call 307-684-5859
men’s brown leather pull on boots size 9 $10.00
men’s Texas steer black lace up boots size 9 1/2 $15.00
men’s Weatherproof brown/black snow boots size 9 1/2 $10.00
men’s brown bird hunting vest size XL $10.00
For sale: 307-751-0081
Set of 4 tires 275/70/18 Firestone 10-ply Like new 100miles on them
Set of 4 tires 275/65/18 10-ply Cooper Discovery Half tread left on them.
Set of 4 tires 225/60/16 studded with 3/4 tread left.
45 Long Colt Derringer $400.00
For sale: 307-285-8411
2010 Silver Yukon with 105,000 miles on it. $16000.00
For rent and ISO: Call: 307-217-3040
2 bed 1 bath house $1000.00 + utilities per month. $1000.00 deposit 2 car garage will be available when cleaned out. Rent will be $1050.00 per month with garage usage.
ISO: Clothes drying rack
For sale: 307-620-9025
5 drawer heavy duty chest of drawers
Book shelf with 3 shelves
End tables
ISO: Call Dylan 307-620-0375
Sheridan First Baptist Mom’s Group in search of teachers 18 and older. Will need to pass a background check. 2-hour shift (9-11) every other Wednesday
For sale: 307-217-2703
1995-96 26-foot 5th wheel has 3 beds, a shower, and everything works. Can be used as a tiny home. $2500.00
For sale: 307-217-9340
One ton engine lift, In near new condition. $150.00
For sale: 307-736-2263
Pickup bed for 67-72 Chevy, long bed, fleet side With a GMC end gate on it. $400.00
For sale :307- 251-9894
Rugar #1 270 caliber, scope $1700.00
2 long bows $100.00
For sale: 208-313-7460
Concrete blankets
For sale: 307-683-6459
24-gallon air compressor on wheels. 150 PSI and 50 ft air hose with attachments
For sale: 307-763-6254 and 360-687-7021
Driver for heavy hauling. Willing to go out of town.
ISO: 307- 751-0142
36″ wide storm door
For sale: 720-988-5609
92 feet of Cattle panel and 35 feet of hog panel $1.00 a foot
ISO: 307-620-0289
Craftsman riding lawn mower tires. One front, one rear.
ISO: 307-737-2420
2 – 2X4 boards that are 4 feet long and oak.
ISO: 307- 670-0550
Fence boards, 5 or 6 ft tall. Will take 2×4’s and fence posts. Need 20 to 40 ft. Can help take down and help install a new fence if needed.
For sale: 307-683-6459
Hornaday ultrasonic brass cleaner for rifle or pistol brass
Heritage 22 pistol long barrel
Rare 1000 federal 215 gold metal max primers
For Sale: Call 406-620-6854
2007 model tanning bed for sale. Red in color. $1000 obo. Standard electrical plug in. All working fans and bulbs. Does need new shocks.
For Rent: Call 701-741-8667
Horse Boarding, Small paddock designed for holding a horse, walk through and drive through gates, wooden fence, shed enclosed on three sides, water source nearby. Price negotiable, near Buffalo highway 16 west.
For sale: 307-751-9097
2-18″ aluminum rims off of an ’06 Duramax
For sale: 515-777-8480
Dewalt Planer stand is new in box. $140.00
For Sale: Call 307-620-9572
“Rustic Ridge Cabin Tent” Like new condition, 10 x 9 x 74. $140.00
Twin size air mattress with pump. $30.00
For sale: 307-660-6045
Top of the line pickup camper. 2021 Host Cascade 10.6 has 2 slides, recliners, fireplace, solar, only 1.2 hours on the generator.
ISO: 307-200-8554
Exterior painter for a house in Sheridan.
For sale: 307-751-1872
Remington 700 22/250 with lots of extras
Free: 320-491-7109
2 hospital beds. One is power everything. One power at the head all other is manual. New mattresses that are vinyl and egg foam toppers. Will give to someone in need.
For sale: 307- 763-3126
2021 KTM XCF 450 $8000.00
2012 Honda XR 650L Enduro $4500.00
For sale: 307-763-1979
Sheet rock equipment
Heavy duty steel box 36″ X 18″ and 32″ tall $50.00
2 tool chests for the back of the pick-up $50.00 each
Table 48″ X 21″ and 20″ tall $25.00
For sale:307-217-9340
2- 10-foot pop up tents with side walls $75.00 each
ISO: 307-751-3793
Chain harrow that you can pull behind a tractor.
For Sale: Call 307-620-9137
2020 “Flagstaff” hard side pop up camper, weight is 2610 lbs, loan transfer opportunity.
For sale: 303-419-0782
2010 Lance 1040 Truck Camper. Lightweight, brand-new tent, fresh interior paint, comes with bedding, pots & pans, appliances, flat screen TV, and has solar package. Side entry. $15000.00