Story By: Spencer Porden-News

The Sheridan City Council passed an ordinance to update the City’s building codes to the 2018 International Building Code standards at their meeting on Monday. The updated codes replace the previously adopted codes from the 2015 International Standards, however, the City amended the codes to exclude the requirement of new construction to install fire-suppression sprinklers in residential homes.

Council President Richard Bridger says that council based their decision to amend the codes on the belief that developers and individuals would install sprinklers in their homes if desired, and that an ordinance would be unnecessary.

12-04-01                                              Richard Bridger                    

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Members of the public voiced concerns for the amendment ranging from safety of buildings without the sprinkler systems to the long term health effects that they may cause.

12-04-02                                              Public Comment                   

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Other items on the council agenda included the annexation of the Woodland Creek Subdivision into the city, an extension granted to the Wyoming Business Incubator Facility, updates from the Sheridan Police Department and an update from Habitat for Humanity of the Eastern Bighorns.


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