Story by: Spencer Porden

At their final scheduled meeting for 2018 on Monday, the Sheridan City Council passed a resolution to accept a proposed “Streetscape Action Plan” which proposes several potential changes that could take place on Main Street along with WYDOT’s planned resurfacing of Main, form Burkitt to Dow Street, in 2023.

Some of the proposals in the plan include a potential lane reconfiguration on Main, which would narrow the current four lanes down to two lanes with a designated center turning lane. Community Development Director Brian Craig, said that the consultants hired by the city, “Community Builders,” will be studying how the potential lane reduction would affect traffic.

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Craig said that other potential changes could include transforming Grinnell Plaza into a full-time or part-time plaza, potentially creating “nodes” for community activity on 2nd and 4th street, as well as alley enhancements which would allow main street businesses to remain economically vibrant during the road work.

City Attorney Brendon Kerns added that by accepting the proposal, the council is not obligated to enact any of the proposed changes when the actual project takes place in 2023.

The council voted unanimously to pass the resolution accepting the streetscape plan.

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