Story by: Spencer Porden-News

Dr. Paul Young, President of the Northern Wyoming Community College District (NWCCD) approached the Sheridan City Council on Monday to request additional funding from the city for the college’s machine tooling program. NWCCD is seeking an additional $250,000 to hire more instructors to teach in technical programs. The funds for the new positions would be payed out of the city’s optional one-cent tax program contingency funds over the next four fiscal years.

Councilman Thayer Schafer voiced concern over allocating funds that are projected to be earned, rather than are currently in-pocket.

Thayer Shafer/Mark Collins

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If approved by the council, the city would pay out approximately $50,000 each future fiscal year, including $50,000 from the contingency funds of the current fiscal year. The city would allocate the proposed funding from contingency funds projected to be earned from the one-cent tax over the next four years.

If passed, the funding would deplete the contingency funds from several of the categories that the one-cent funds are already allocated for. NWCCD would use the additional funding to hire a fourth instructor in the Technical Education program to focus on classes for adults seeking continuing education, but not necessarily a degree.

Dr. Paul Young

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Council will vote on the the proposal at the next meeting on December 17th.

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