Story By: Spencer Porden
SHERIDAN, WY— The Sheridan City Council heard updates on the city’s landfill and MDU’s upgrades to Sheridan’s street lighting at their meeting on Monday.
City of Sheridan Utility Director, Dan Roberts, updated council on Landfill operations, including the closure of landfill cells T7 and T8, and the ongoing closure of cells T1-T6. The landfill requested permission to use funds from the State Clean Water Act to place a geosynthetic fabric over the cells being closed. Due to water quality tests, the landfill is required to address the issue by creating a “dry tomb” for the cells, according to Roberts. Council approved use of the state funding. Roberts said repayment of the loan from the state will be covered by the landfills closure funds.
Roberts also addressed council on the selection of a new compactor for the landfill. Council voted to approve the selection of a TANA E380 compactor, which would be bought from Humdinger Equipment, Ltd.
City Council also heard an update from Public Works Director Lane Thompson on the ongoing upgrade of the city’s street lighting to LED lights by MDU. Thompson said that the upgrade will save the city aproxamately $29,600 each year.
City Council’s next meeting will be on April 1st.