Work is underway once again on the Fetterman Street Project in Buffalo.
Barnum Construction began work on the project last spring and street is complete from the corner of Klondike Avenue west to within a few yards of Fort Street.
With the exception the west interchange at Fort Street, the remaining area from Klondike south to Burritt Avenue and Burritt north to Fort Street is expected to take most of the summer.
A second street project on Flat Iron is expected to go to bid next month now that a right-of-way has been worked out with an adjacent property owner that allows residents and businesses access to Hwy 16 and Mayor Shane Schrader commented on the project late last week…
Mayor Schrader was a guest on the KBBS Morning Show on Friday and is hopeful that SF64 is ignored or falls through the proverbial cracks in the final days of the Wyoming State Legislature.
The bill calls for a 10% cut in direct distribution fund to local governments… counties and municipalities.
In the last legislature, local government funding amounted to $105 million over the recent biennium.
The bill is now in the House awaiting action and was scheduled for debate yesterday.
Schrader would be happy if no action is taken or if it fails to pass the House if there’s a vote…
The city doesn’t rely on those funds for normal operations, but smaller communities have to…
As of yesterday afternoon, no action had been taken on the bill in the House of Representatives.