SHERIDAN, WY— Sheridan’s main street will undergo a lane reconfiguration test.
At the Sheridan City Council meeting on Monday night, Council voted 5-2 to approve the test which will take place later this summer.
The test will last for approximately one month, and will temporarily reconfigure Main Street’s lanes from four lanes to two lanes with a center turning lane.
The test will take place on Main between Works and Dow. WYDOT will place traffic counters at various locations to analyze how the reconfiguration affects traffic flow throughout the town.
Counselor Aaron Linden, who voted against the test, said he was apprehensive to use data from a test in 2019 to make a decision that won’t take place until 2023.
The test is scheduled to begin sometime after WYO Rodeo week. Council approved $75,000 for temporary lane striping to conduct the test.