A major shift lies ahead in how the state of Wyoming regulates shed-antler hunting, until now a free outdoor pursuit available to anyone on public land.
Two more antler-related bills are headed to Gov. Mark Gordon’s desk for a signature. House Bill 123 – Collection of antler or horns by residents and nonresidents directs the Wyoming Game and Fish Department to give Wyoming residents a one-week head start over nonresidents – up from the three days of lead time initially proposed in the legislation. House Bill 276 – Shed antlers and horns conservation stamp, declares that shed antlers and horns on state and public lands are the property of Wyoming, just like the wildlife that dropped them. The bill requires nonresidents to possess a conservation stamp – a $21.50 expense – to legally partake in public land shed hunting. Residents and kids under 15 are exempted. In other capital action — If Gov Gordon Signs a Bill sent to his desk, Wyoming would be the first state in the nation with a digital coin. That could set the Cowboy State up for a $9 billion payday, advocates say. But Gordon has already vetoed Wyoming’s stable token once before.