The city of Sheridan is set to begin construction of a new landfill cell. The current cell is nearing the end of its life, which is in 2024 and requires construction of the new cell to begin this spring to ensure the two cells overlap. Four bids were submitted to the city for the first phase of cell 10, ranging from $2,737,680 to $4,564,403. Utilities Director Dan Roberts recommended the lowest bid, coming from Sheridan-based Mountain View Building for $2,737,680. Roberts also said the city received a loan of up to $4,115,000 from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. The bid being less than the loan amount allows the city to borrow less than expected. The new landfill cell will be located just east of the current landfill location. Cell 10 will include four construction phases that will provide the city with enough landfill space until 2078.