The Johnson County Rural Health Care District Board will meet later this afternoon to continue discussions regarding a new ambulance service contract.
Last month, the board voted 3 to 2 to spend $500K in reserves to build a new ambulance building and to advertise for new ambulance service to replace the current service provided by Buffalo EMS.
The action resulted in a firestorm of opposition to both decisions with much of the support directed to renewing the longstanding service with the Buffalo EMS.
Recently, the members of the Rural Health Care Board and EMS director Dave Harness had continued discussions on areas of disagreement involving contract renewal and financial disclosure in hopes of reaching a mutually acceptable resolution.
The meeting this afternoon will take place at 4pm in the County Commissioners meeting room at the Courthouse.
In accordance with COVID-19 recommendations, members of the community can join the meeting VIRTUALLY from computer, tablet or smart phone through the Go To Meeting application.
You can also dial in using your phone by calling 1 (646) 740 3112 and using the Access code 997-151-189.