At its last meeting, the Johnson County Commission approved Resolutions 644 and 645 authorizing ballot questions on continuing the Solid Waste District and continuing an optional lodging tax for the county.
Both approvals were contingent on the Commission reviewing the wording of the questions that would be printed on this year’s election ballots.
Continuing the Solid Waste District will go before the voters in some form this election and if it doesn’t pass, a sizable increase in tipping fees is expected, as explained by Chairman Bill Novotny….
The lodging tax issue appears to be a more confusing issue as the Johnson County Lodging Tax Committee hasn’t bothered to a ballot question or even communicate with the Commission.
Here’s Novotny and Commissioner Linda Greenough discussing the issue…
Both resolutions still stand at the moment but may be rescinded at the Commission’s next meeting on August 4th should the ballot questions submitted not meet the board’s approval.