Sheridan – As part of ongoing efforts to monitor black bear populations in Wyoming, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department is conducting trapping operations in the northern Bighorn Mountains, potentially continuing through late August.
All areas where trapping is conducted will have major access points marked with warning signs. It is critical that all members of the public take note of these signs.Similar to monitoring elk or deer populations, the monitoring of black bears in Wyoming is vital to their management.
To attract and capture bears, biologists utilize natural food sources such as fresh road-killed deer and elk. Trapped animals are immobilized, processed, released on site and then monitored in accordance with strict guidelines developed by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.
When bear trapping activities are conducted for monitoring purposes, the vicinity of the site will be posted with warning signs to inform the public of these activities.
The signs will be posted along the major access points to the trapping site. It is important that the public not venture into posted areas. For more information regarding black bear trapping efforts, please call the Large Carnivore Section of the Department at (307) 335-2624.