When the Wyoming State Legislature re-convenes later this month or next month, one of the bills up for consideration is Senate File 64, dealing with the distribution of funds to local governments… counties and municipalities.
In the last legislature, local government funding amounted to $105 million over the recent biennium and SF64 reduces that amount to just under $100 million.
But with the state looking for more spending cuts, will that funding source be a victim of the budget axe?
According to State Senator Dave Kinskey, those funds are now coming out of the state’s “rainy day” fund and may disappear once the legislature re-convenes and searches for more cuts…
He credits the late John Schiffer with wise counsel regarding the direct distribution from the state coffers…
If those funds disappear, what are the options available for local governments?
Kinskey addressed that issue as well…
According to the Senator, the funds raised locally with that one cent will stay local while a state distribution will unfairly benefit larger municipalities like Cheyenne or Gillette.