SHERIDAN, WY— Black bear hunters are alerted that the fall black bear season in hunt areas 3 and 4 closed at 2:28 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 27, 2019. The closed areas are located in the Bighorn Mountains.
The 2019 fall black bear hunting season closes for each hunt area or group of hunt areas when the female mortality limit has been reached or on Oct. 31, whichever comes first. The female limits are used to ensure that overharvest of female bears does not occur. Black bear areas 3 and 4 have a combined quota of four females.
Bear hunters should call the Black Bear Mortality Limit Hotline at 1-800-264-1280 before going hunting to determine which hunt areas are open for hunting. Information on hunt area closures and quotas is updated on a daily basis and is also available online at
It is the hunter’s responsibility to confirm that the black bear hunt area he or she intends to hunt is open. Hunters should check the black bear regulations for specific hunt area boundaries.
Any harvested black bear must be reported to a game warden, wildlife biologist or Game and Fish Regional office within 72 hours of harvest.