SHERIDAN, WY— Henry A. Coffeen Elementary School was placed on a short lock-down on Tuesday afternoon after an agitated parent of a student entered the school and refused to leave.
The lock-down comes after a tragic accident on Monday when a student was struck by a school bus outside of the elementary school.
According to the SPD Police Activity Summary, Jason Billings, 36, of Sheridan, was arrested for causing a disturbance in a government building, when he walked into the school after being told to remain in the office area.
The school was placed on a short lock-down by school administration. According to SPD, at no time were any children in danger at the school.
SPD posted the following statement on their facebook page:
“The department recently responded to Coffeen Elementary School for and agitated parent at the school. The school was properly put on a short lock down by school administration and officers of the department removed the parent from the school without incident.
We want to assure you all that at no time were any children in danger at the school due to this action.
This has been very trying couple of days for the students at Coffeen Elementary with the tragic accident that occurred [Monday] and the situation that occurred [Tuesday]. If anyone has any questions please reach out to Lt. Koltiska. Prayers to all the families of students who have been affected by these incidents.”